
SCPI Commands :

class MultiInstrumentCls[source]

MultiInstrument commands group definition. 10 total commands, 3 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_mode() AregMultiInstMode[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:AREGenerator:OSETup:MULTiinstrument:MODE
value: enums.AregMultiInstMode = driver.source.areGenerator.osetup.multiInstrument.get_mode()

Defines the operation mode of the R&S AREG800A in a multi-instrument setup.


mode: - PRIMary: The R&S AREG800A operates as a primary instrument. In this mode, the R&S AREG800A controls several R&S AREG800A instruments. - OFF: The R&S AREG800A operates in a standalone mode. - SECondary: Requires a control connection between this R&S AREG800A instrument and a primary R&S AREG800A instrument.The R&S AREG800A operates as a secondary instrument. In this mode, the R&S AREG800A is controlled by a primary R&S AREG800A instrument.

get_primary() str[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:AREGenerator:OSETup:MULTiinstrument:PRIMary
value: str = driver.source.areGenerator.osetup.multiInstrument.get_primary()

No command help available


prim_syst_ctrl_add: No help available

set_mode(mode: AregMultiInstMode) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:AREGenerator:OSETup:MULTiinstrument:MODE
driver.source.areGenerator.osetup.multiInstrument.set_mode(mode = enums.AregMultiInstMode.OFF)

Defines the operation mode of the R&S AREG800A in a multi-instrument setup.

param mode:
  • PRIMary: The R&S AREG800A operates as a primary instrument. In this mode, the R&S AREG800A controls several R&S AREG800A instruments.

  • OFF: The R&S AREG800A operates in a standalone mode.

  • SECondary: Requires a control connection between this R&S AREG800A instrument and a primary R&S AREG800A instrument.The R&S AREG800A operates as a secondary instrument. In this mode, the R&S AREG800A is controlled by a primary R&S AREG800A instrument.

set_primary(prim_syst_ctrl_add: str) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:AREGenerator:OSETup:MULTiinstrument:PRIMary
driver.source.areGenerator.osetup.multiInstrument.set_primary(prim_syst_ctrl_add = 'abc')

No command help available

param prim_syst_ctrl_add:

No help available

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.areGenerator.osetup.multiInstrument.clone()
