
SCPI Commands :

class InputPyCls[source]

InputPy commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_nom_gain() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:AREGenerator:CHANnel:INPut:NOMGain
value: float =

Sets a value to adjust the input gain of the channel manually. The R&S AREG800A sets the nominal input gain automatically by using the [:SOURce<hw>]:AREGenerator:MAPPing<ch>:ADJust:LEVel function in the channel mapping. You can set the input gain manually, for example to restore the value.


areg_chan_nom_gain: No help available

get_rel_level() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:AREGenerator:CHANnel:INPut:RELLevel
value: float =

Queries the actual input level of the analog to digital converter of the R&S AREG800A in relation to full scale. This value is the maximum measured during the defined [:SOURce<hw>]:AREGenerator:MAPPing<ch>:ADJust:LEVel:OTIMe (observation time for peak detection) . If the value is not steady enough, we recommend prolonging the observation time.


areg_chan_rel_lev: No help available

set_nom_gain(areg_chan_nom_gain: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:AREGenerator:CHANnel:INPut:NOMGain = 1.0)

Sets a value to adjust the input gain of the channel manually. The R&S AREG800A sets the nominal input gain automatically by using the [:SOURce<hw>]:AREGenerator:MAPPing<ch>:ADJust:LEVel function in the channel mapping. You can set the input gain manually, for example to restore the value.

param areg_chan_nom_gain:

No help available